Learn How To Expand Your Clientele In 2022 Without Running Dry On Prospects!

Learn How To Expand Your Clientele In 2022 Without Running Dry On Prospects!

We're Sorry But We've Sold Out All Seats. If you're able to purchased, it means we've release some spare tickets. If you're unable to purchase, please join our next event in May (If it happens).
Remember: All strategies shared are tested and proven. These are not just theories.
Remember: All strategies shared are tested and proven. These are not just theories.
NOW: US$197
Note: We only have limited seats for our early bird tickets. Please do grab them while you can. Once it is all taken up, our price will be back to our usual price.

50 Prospecting Concepts 2022 Live (Virtual Event): 
New Date: 21st March
Old Date: 28th February 2022
Time: 7PM - 11PM (Singapore Time)

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Introducing 50 Prospecting Masterclass 2022
An Exclusive Masterclass To Help You Open Up More Cases In 2022

From: Dr Sanjay Tolani

Your Personal Insurance Mentor
19 X MDRT, 2 X COT, 15 X TOT
Dear Future Financial Planner, 

Imagine this: What if you were able to educate your clients on why they need insurance and within minutes they feel like you’re the right advisor for them? Wouldn’t that be a skill set you would like to pick up in 2022?

Just last December, I conducted a FREE live session for advisors to showcase to them on how to STRATEGIZE FOR 2022 step by step, so they can get closer to their target in 2022.

More than 10,000 advisors invested time to come down for this session and to test out the strategies I’ve shared. I’m glad to hear that many of you have started seeing results and are determined to start the new year strongly. 

Side note: If 2021 hasn’t treated you kindly, don't worry and move on! 2022 is a fresh start for you to start over. Keep your chin up, stay laser-focused and keep improving. We have just started 2022 and have so much time left this year to reach our goals! 

Now, many advisors have asked me if I could share new concepts and prospecting strategies this year because, I understand that, unlike past years, they are feeling lost especially as the uncertainty of the pandemic continues and has resulted in a total environmental change. 

Did you know that 90% of advisors don’t really struggle with prospecting? We all know someone or how to be recommended to someone BUT what many of us struggle with is what to say when we meet prospects for the first time or how to really talk about insurance in the middle of dinner because we don’t want to sound pushy or awkward.

It took me 19 years of practising to realise that many of the sales methods I was taught in my early days were ineffective. 

While a few of them are effective, I find that there are too many things for advisors to learn in order to see results. If you have been in the industry long enough, you will know that if you cannot impress your clients in the first 15 minutes of you meeting them, you will probably lose the deal for sure.

That is why I’ve decided to organize 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022. In this session, I will show you everything I know on how to do prospecting and concept presentations. I want to combine all those complicated sales and prospecting theories into a simple practical framework that you can copy and paste to see results.

50 Prospecting Concepts 2022 will be a 4-hour seminar aiming to achieve just that. It is specifically designed to teach you how to get more clients using simple concept presentations within 15 minutes.

If this sounds interesting to you, I would like to invite you to join me and many of my mentees at the 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022.

*Note: All Information shared is for financial advisors ONLY. If you're not an advisor, please do not join this session.*
    Why Attend 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022?
    Who Can Best Benefit From This Live Session?
    It's not your fault if you are always facing problems with prospecting and presentations before opening a case. In fact, this is a common issue amongst advisors, and even me in my early days. For 19 years, after doing multiple testing to find the right strategy, I have been able to figure out what works best for me, so that I never run dry on prospects. 
    Here are some reasons why you should consider coming for this live session:

    Reason #1: For the past two years we have been going back and forth with virtual and face to face meetings - Even today, clients are less willing to meet up and we now have to create interesting conversations to capture their attention. 

    Reason #2: You get demotivated every time your prospects rejects you even after a presentation - Rejections are unavoidable in our industry and if you are able to use interesting presentation to grab their attention and make it more relatable with your prospects/clients, you will definitely improve your opening ratio.

    Reason #3: Recommendations Is Getting Tougher - Let's be honest, when you run dry on prospects and you do not know what to do. Recommendation is getting more difficult  especially over phone and video call.

    Reason #4: You're stuck with a Single Product Per Client - This might sound weird to you but many advisors only manage to sell their clients "1" Product and end up seeing their clients buying other more "expensive" products from other advisors. Why? that's because you're either not using the right concept at the start when you present your products or you're not using the right concepts for upselling. This is a VERY common problem I've seen and I want to cover this in the upcoming workshop. 

    Reason #6: You actually don't know how this career works and got lost in finding your purpose - I realized many advisors do not know how their career will progress from the second or third year onwards because they were never exposed to the higher network market and this is something I want to share with you in the upcoming workshop.

    Reason #7: You're tired of repeating the same thing over and over again - I'm not sure about you, but at some point in my career I got so tired of repeating the same "script" that I decided to create my own concepts not only  help my clients understand insurance better but also help me to have new conversations so that I can feel fresh every time I meet my clients. 

    For the past two year, it is extremely challenging for many of us, even myself, that's why you're seeing me less active on social media because I've been busy trying new strategies to adapt 2022 as we it is still very unpredictable of what will happen next after this pandemic. But... this doesn't mean I'm not willing to share and help!

    "This Is Why I'm Revealing Everything What Has Been Working For Me At 50 Prospecting Concepts Live Session... I Will Tell You What's Working And What's Not."

    Like you, I sell insurance and to be honest, 2022 is very unpredictable and  many of us we do not know what other restrictions and lockdown will be implemented and its harder to create conversations with our prospects and clients. 

    That's why I've decided to organize this LIVE SESSION to literally show you step by step on how you can opening up your market and present yourself to your clients so you can stand out and thrive in these unprecedented times. 

    Now, let me quickly share with you on what will happen in the 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022... 
    What Will You Learn In 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022?
    Let Me Show You What You'll Be Learning During  "50 Prospecting Concepts 2022"

    Last year we had around 2,000 advisors joining our Prospecting Masterclass Session and they LOVED it! 

    The 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022 is specially organized for advisors who has been lost in the business and wants to strive better in 2022. Many times we struggle with prospecting and presenting to our clients that got us very demotivated in this business. 

    If you're wondering what to expect in this live session, the following graphics will summarize what we will be sharing.

    Here’s what you can expect:

    1st hour: Master the foundations of prospecting and concept presentations. 
    I will share with you the latest methods top advisors are using to get more clients and what they are saying exactly to get the clients excited about insurance.

    2nd hour: Learn the 2022 Prospecting Concept Framework.
    I want to show you a step by step method to turn prospects into potential clients and how you can do it in 15minutes or less.

    3rd hour: 50 ways on How to sell insurance? 
    I will show you 50 ways to sell insurance to different target markets and hopefully by the end of the session you walk away with a few “copy paste” concepts that you can use in the whole of 2022 to get more income.

    4th hour: Understand the market trend for Insurance and how you can make use of it to open up new markets for yourself. You will even learn about creating meaningful partnerships so that you can have an endless stream of prospects.

    Details Of 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022 Live
    When & What Time?

    Date: 21st March 2021
    Time: 7PM - 11PM (Singapore Time)

    Note: This Session Will Be "LIVE" . However we understand that some of you might be in different time zone. So the recording will be available to be watch for 24 hours after the session.


    STEP 1:

    Register For The 

    Click on the button to register on the next page. You may choose your ticket option and proceed with the payment.

    STEP 2:

    Receive Confirmation Email

    Once you have purchased, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the session. 

    STEP 3:

    Attend The Session On Time

    We will be sending you reminder emails as we approach nearer to the live session. Please remember to attend it on time. 

    What Will You Receive When You Sign Up?

    Here's a quick overview of what you will receive when you sign up today!

    Get started learning as soon as you sign up for this Live!

    In this 4 hours sharing, you will learn:

    • How to create rapport with a prospect when you first kickstart a phone/video call conversation.
    • What type of conversation openers can lead to your sales presentations over a phone call and video call.
    • ​How to use a conversation opener to kick start an “insurance process” and get your prospect to listen to you.

    Next, I will send you the Big Case Closer Mindset Ebook which covers the following: 

    • 4 Benefits of Big Case Closing - Find out why top advisors in the industry are trying to master these 1% skills & how you can master them too!
    • 3 Case Studies & Strategies Of Top Advisors - Listen to their sales strategies, prospecting methods and how they go about closing more cases.
    • 6 Big Case Closer Mindset "Action" Shifts - Learn the “ACTIONS” steps you need to train your subconscious mind for growth. (These are secrets that I'm revealing for the first time...) 

    Lastly, You Will Get LIVE ACCESS to 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022 On 23 January Where I Will Be Sharing The Following: 

    • Top 12 X 2021 Quarter 4 Strategies - I’ll further break them down country wise; new advisors and experienced advisors so no matter where you come from, there will be at least 1 workable strategy for you.
    • Top 5 Recent Objections For Quarter 4 This Year - I’ll give you the latest exact script to answer client's new objections, showing you how I’ll handle them and show you how you can shift these objections into sales in a non-pushy manner.
    • Top 5 Quarter 4 Mistakes - I also want to take this opportunity to talk about mistakes advisors will make during Q4 and just by avoiding them, it should at least increase your sales by 10%.


    Kickstart 2022 (Worth US$97)
    Get Started Learning As Soon As You Sign Up For 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022!
    In this 4 hour session, you will learn:
      • My new realizations as a financial advisor in 2022 and how I’m doing my sales right now.
      • How should financial advisors position themselves during this period of time in the beginning of 2022
      • How to plan for 2022 realistically so that you can hit your target every single month 
      Listen To Others Who Have BENEFITED!
      I'm going to let other advisors prove to you why you should attend the 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022 Live!
      "I attended Last Year Prospecting Class and I manage to get consistent clients even despite staying at home." 
      I've attended Dr Sanjay 2020 prospecting class and after that, I started applying the strategies he shared. What I love is the clarity he gives me. He made me realize I do not need to keep getting new prospects. Rather, I could focus on a small group of clients and position myself better.
      Jessie, Financial Planner
      "I made every of my team member attend this session and I'm impressed with what I see."
      When I started out in this industry, I was using the 28000 presentations by Dr. Sanjay which have been working tremendously well for me. Later in 2019, I have the chance to learn concepts from Dr. Sanjay, and this changes the way I view financial planning. In fact, I brought my whole team, and right now from time to time we have been coming up with new ideas to prospect and close our clients. Truly appreciate Dr. Sanjay's sharing. Ethan, Financial Planner
      "I've been using Dr. Sanjay's Concepts since 2018 and my sales have been improving by 20% year on year." 
      I have been a big fan of Dr. Sanjay's concept presentations since I first know about him. Thanks to his teaching, I've changed my sales process and have been applying all his presentations and it has been really working well. I've taught it to new advisors in my team too! Thank you so much Dr. Sanjay!
      Wei Hao, Financial Planner
      "See it to believe it... there is a reason why many top advisors are attending Dr. Sanjay's meet-up"
      I know that many top advisors in our industry are learning from Dr. Sanjay himself and being curious, I decided to sign up for his session. I realized he is not only humble and down to earth, but he's also sharing his secrets because he wants everyone to grow. In the session, he shared practical strategies that I have tested and seen results. 

      I can feel his generosity in sharing and really appreciate his effort. 

      I've been in the financial planning industry long enough to tell you not everyone is okay with sharing their secrets and Dr. Sanjay actually shares everything he knows and practices. I'm definitely attending this year-end session because I know what he shares can definitely help me improve my income and give me more clarity for the last quarter.
      Peter, Financial Planner

      "How Donovan Achieved His 1st MDRT In 2020 Using Concepts"

      "How Kaka Implemented Advance Concepts In 2020 And Saw Massive Results"

      Why Is This Event So Affordable? ... What's Wrong?

      In case you’re wondering why I’ve decided to offer this…There are a few reasons why I'm doing this...

      #Reason 1: I believe in giving back - After years of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't in the insurance industry, this would be my BEST way of giving back to the family.

      #Reason 2: I want to help more advisors who are struggling and lost - I realized the #1 PROBLEM  most advisors face during Quarter 4 is they don't know what's working RIGHT NOW. I'll be sharing many tested and proven methods I've used before and in Quarter 4 I will share with you what many of the top advisors are doing right now to see results in 2021.

      #Reason 3: I hope our industry gets better - If you have read my books or attended my events, you know I’m not a big fan of sharing “fluffy” strategies. This is why at the 50 prospecting concepts 2022 we will go straight into actionable steps that can affect your sales. I'll also showcase some “CASE STUDIES” to help you gain deeper clarity. 

      Together, lets make financial planning happier for everyone!

      Who is Dr. Sanjay Tolani?
      Dr. Sanjay Tolani, an 19-year member of the Million Dollar Round Table – The Premier Association of Financial Professionals, with 2 Court of the Table & 15 Top of the Table honors.

      In 2019, Dr. Sanjay has successfully crossed 100 MDRT and  >200 MDRT in 2020 alone. 

      He became the youngest member in 2003 at the age of 19 and then qualified as the Youngest Life Member in 2012 at the age of 28. He also became the Youngest Managing Director of an Insurance Brokerage in the Middle East.
      Will Dr. Sanjay's sharing be relevant to us?
      Absolutely! This is because even though Dr. Sanjay is based in Dubai, his clients come from 53 countries including many parts of Asia. He is intimately familiar with taxation rules, industry regulations and even behaviors of the locals worldwide.
      Why is Dr. Sanjay so generous in sharing his trade secrets? Is there a catch?
      For starters, Dr. Sanjay is a solo practitioner. He doesn't manage an agency and has no intention to build one. That's not his focus.

      His intent is to pay it forward and raise the standards of the financial service industry. This way, everyone wins! You'll like to also know that this is not for profit. 

      All the fees collected are used to cover the production cost of the session. 
      Do I have to download any application for the online coaching?
      You won't need to download any application, we will send you the link to join the session. 
      How effective are these strategies shared?
      The strategies share are tested and proven by many members of the mentoring family especially the Big Case Closer members. Lets be honest, there are many new methods you can implement in your business. Dr. Sanjay will be running through all of them with you during the online session. 

      During the online coaching, you will also have notes to refer too so all the framework he will be sharing in the session you will be able to find it in the PDF notes given before the session. 
      I realized people are charging thousands of dollars for a session like this, why is the price significantly lower here?
      The prices are made affordable because the goal of the mentoring family is to make sure financial planning is made easier for everyone. We wanted to make sure every advisor has that equal opportunity to learn the strategies to hit their target because after all hitting your target means getting more income for yourself and your family.

      We also deliberately lowered the price for because this is our way of giving back to the family. However, we are not making it free because we only want motivated and serious advisors to attend this session.

      Think about it , the moment you close one decent case using the strategies shared, wouldn’t the price be worth the investment?
      How is 50 Prospecting Concepts 2022  different from other sessions?
      50 Prospecting Concepts is designed with only one purpose, to show you how you can bring up the topic of insurance on any occasion without sounding and looking like a desperate advisor.  Also, you save time and money by listening to these strategies as you have them ready to implement right away. 
       How effective are these strategies shared?
      The strategies share are tested and proven by many members of the mentoring family especially the Big Case Closer members. Lets be honest, there are many new methods you can implement in your business. Dr Sanjay will be running through all of them with you during these coaching.
      How will I receive the bonus recording & E-Book?
      We will send it to you via email. 
      What are the details of this Online Coaching?
      In this coaching, you will learn the latest insurance strategies from top agent Dr. Sanjay himself. He will be sharing with you what he has been working on for the past two months to achieve his targets even in tough situations like these. 

      While Dr. Sanjay frequently gives talks, this is the only time he is willing to share his last sprint strategies for the mentoring family. So if you MISS IT, there is no replay for it. 

      Unlike a typical seminar, this online coaching requires participants to practice their skills on the spot so Dr. Sanjay can correct them. So get ready to participate actively, because practice makes perfect, doesn’t it? 
      How often will this online coaching take place?
      This is a one-time session. This might be one of the last few times you get to hear from Dr. Sanjay personally because starting from 2022, Dr. Sanjay will be back to focusing on his insurance business. 

      So please attend if you are serious about learning.

      In the future, the coaching might be carried out by an appointed mentee rather than Dr. Sanjay himself. So grab this chance to interact with him in the session while you can! 

      To make the learning environment more inclusive, we are limiting the number of seats to the coaching. 
      Why is the ticket so affordable? Will you upsell me in this seminar?
      This is an online coaching session, not a preview where we up-sell you expensive courses after the session. 

      The price is purposely made affordable so that more family members can benefit from this session. 
      Can you reserve the seats for me first? I am waiting for my Friend to buy together.
      Ticket access are very limited due to the limit of the platform we are using. The seats are on a first come, first serve basis. This is to ensure fairness to the family. Also since this is our last session, the demand will be very high.
      Should a new advisor attend this session? Will the content covered be too advanced? 
      This class is designed specifically for new advisors and advisors who wants to work on their prospecting skills.

      For new advisors, this system comprises of everything you need to know to get started.

      For experience advisor, you will be able to relook at your strategies and see how you can potentially 3x your results.
      Can I buy the recording?
      This live session will not be recorded. This is because we wanted to keep the strategies exclusive for advisors who make the effort to attend the session.

      However, the recording will be made available 24 hours after the session so that if you're in a different time zone you can watch it too.
      I'm from the Big Case Closer family, can I attend this session for free?
      Yes! All members from bigcasecloser.com will be able to attend this session for free because you are part of Dr. Sanjay exclusive mentorship program. The Big Case Closer relationship manager will be informing you about how to join the session. 
      I'm from India and I want to attend the session but I don't have a credit card/debit card. What can I do?
      Call our India session organizer at +91 99300 60314. They will help you. 
      I have other questions.
      For any inquiries, please write to me@sanjaytolani.com or WhatsApp  (+91) 99300 60314 and we will help you out. 

      Sanjay Mentoring Family 2022 | All Rights Reserved