Attention: Asset Structuring Club 2024 Mid Year Enrollment Application has just started.

Note: Because Every ASC Member will receive a "20min" Personal Welcome Call From My Personal HNW Team To Help you Get Started, We currently is only able to accomodate 50 New Members A Month. If you're unable to sign up, please try again next month. 

Attention: Asset Structuring Club 2024 Mid Year Enrollment Application has just started.

For Advisors Who Want To Want To Enter the High Net Worth Market(>10M Networth) in 2024 with "Asset Structuring". Learn How To Position yourself as the "Go-To Finance Expert" and Attract Wealthy Clients.

Note: If you are unable to join, you can email us at to join the waitlist. We only accept new members based on our capacity to welcome them.
USUAL PRICE: US$3985 (per year)

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Introducing Asset Structuring Club
An On Going " 12 Month Program " To Show You How To  “Pre-Launch” & Excite Your Clients To Invest Consistently In Insurance in 2024

From: Dr Sanjay Tolani

Your Personal Insurance Mentor
22 X MDRT, 2 X COT, 16 X TOT , 500+ MDRT in 2022.
Dear Future Financial Planner, 

Wouldn't it be great if you have a 【New "Skill" & New "Market" that you can bring with you into 2024 that gives you a competitive advantage over others in the market? 

Have you ever wondered why some advisors simply close 5 - 10x larger cases than others while using the same amount of time?  Why is it that top advisors' clients are more willing to put money in insurance while others struggling with stagnated income try to convince their clients of the importance of insurance as a protection tool? 

The key might just lie in these top advisors realizing they have to eventually "pivot" into 【Asset Structuring】with High Net Worth Clients. 

Now let me explain it...

High Net Worth clients have common concerns: they want to manage their wealth, keep a steady income, and maintain privacy. The question is, can you, as an advisor, offer them that? 

For many years, most advisors have looked at selling insurance as a risk management tool or portfolio hedging tool and advised clients to use it to hedge against a portfolio, but a small group of top advisors (including myself) realized that if they can help their clients structure all their assets using insurance, clients will naturally be more willing to invest their money into insurance. ( Yes...They might even put 100% of their assets into it! )

Having spent the last 22 years in this industry, closing multiple giant cases in the financial planning Fworld,struggling my way up from 1 MDRT to more than 500 MDRT in 2022 , I have invented a set of strategies and  blueprint to teach advisors on how to get started on Asset Structuring and  EXACTLY what to say (especially in Early 2024) to get High Net Worth excited to invest consistently in insurance.

Everyone talks about HNW, but no one really lays out a step-by-step guide on how to get started. I used to think the same—that I had to start with well-off clients and gradually work my way up to the ultra-rich.

 “But I was wrong! In fact, I've seen many of my mentees start with HNW clients right from day one and never look back.” 

Now that I've turned 40, I think it's a cool time to share this closely guarded secret. It took me 22 years to crack the code. That's why I thought it'd be cool to set up Asset Structuring Club - an ongoing club designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started in the HNW market. 

Imagine being able to confidently advise a client on how to structure their assets to minimize tax implications, or how to legally protect their wealth for future generations. Think of the trust and credibility you'll build, and the doors that will open for you.

My goal is to help you break into a new market in 2024 using "Asset Structure," a method I've spent years perfecting. 

I'll also show you how to go from being a "needy" advisor to a "branded" one, so you're not just ready for richer clients, but they'll actually want to work with you. I also want to cover how you should speak, your tone and the right choice of words you should use. 

Let's be clear: Asset Structuring Club is about giving you a special skill set you cannot find in any other courses in the market. 

“Think about it, you're going to have to learn this stuff sooner or later, so why not start now?” 

If this sounds like something you can't miss, come join me in 2024 Asset Structuring Club.
    How Asset Structuring Can Change Your Career & Income Forever ?
    Who Can Best Benefit From Club?
    You likely know someone wealthy in your circle, but do you know how to professionally discuss financial planning with them?

    When I first started in this career, whenever I told High Net Worth prospects I’m here to protect them and their families, they would always shun me off saying things like “I’m rich to protect myself, Sanjay. Thanks.”

    But Miracle happened when I started to change my conversation from “Protection” To “Asset Structuring”... 

    My cases started going 100X bigger and that is not only for me but my mentees as well.

    But what exactly is asset structuring?

    Asset structuring is a concept that seamlessly integrates tax planning, insurance provisions, legal and compliance structures, and company structuring into a comprehensive wealth management plan.
    If it is your first time hearing about it, don’t be surprised. It's not your fault if you don't know how financial advisors should get started in "Asset Structuring", because when I got started, nobody taught it to me either. 

    But after studying my PhD, writing countless of exams and achieving certifications, speaking to many rich clients and testing for 22 years, I've designed all these frameworks from scratch and I believe this is the “breakthrough knowledge” many advisors have been looking for for in decades.

    "I realized many advisors do not even know they can start a conversation on "Asset Structuring" in 10 mins...  if they can master it, it might change their career forever..."

    There are 6 Benefits For You To Apply Asset Structuring to your conversations 
    • Benefit #1: Become the Go-To Advisor for Generational Wealth Strategies - Dive deep into the evolving demands of clients who want more than just financial advice. Learn to craft holistic strategies that not only grow wealth but also ensure its efficient protection and transfer across generations.
    • ​Benefit #2: Navigate Beyond Traditional Boundaries - Traditional markets have their merits, but they also have limitations. Equip yourself with the knowledge to overcome challenges like stricter regulations, the need for greater confidentiality, and changing economic scenarios, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve.
    • Benefit #3: Master the Art of Tax Efficiency Using Insurance - Witness firsthand how the vast wealth of families can diminish over generations due to taxes. Become the expert who safeguards their legacy, ensuring minimal erosion from inheritance, gift, and capital gains taxes.
    • ​Benefit #4: Elevate Your Market Position with Larger Cases - Positioning is everything. Transform from just another financial advisor to a specialist in Asset Structuring for High Net Worth families. This isn't just about a title; it's about aligning with the unique needs of an expansive market segment.
    • ​Benefit #5: Seamlessly Integrate with Your Client Existing Financial Structures - Asset structuring isn't about reinventing the wheel. Whether your client has a Trust or Family Office, learn to integrate asset structuring smoothly, enhancing benefits like confidentiality and efficient wealth transition.
    • Benefit #6: Make Your Client Team Your Future “COI” - Instead of vying for a spot against your client's legal team, why not join forces? By complementing the expertise of other professionals involved in a client's financial planning, you become an indispensable part of a team that provides a 360-degree financial solution. The goal is to work with your client's team, offering a "Complementary" approach rather than a competitive one.
    If you're still hesitant about how to approach wealthier clients, you're not alone. I was once handed a HNW "script" that was more miss than hit. I quickly realized that the key was to simplify the process. 

    By attending the Asset Structure Club, you'll gain insights that could transform your approach to HNW prospecting. I'll even share actionable ideas for boosting your sales in the coming months. 

    P.s. Remember this, I'm not a trainer and I am ONLY doing this because I realized that many of the advisors who attended my recent session are still not exploring these huge opportunities and I want to help.

    "This Is Why I'm Revealing Everything I KNOW at Asset Structuring Club... I Will Share With You A NEW SKILLSET & MARKET you can explore to start 2024 stronger than ever..."

    Let me quickly run you through what I'll be sharing with you in the next 12 months. 
    What Will You Learn In Asset Structuring Club ?
    "What kind of learning can actually change your business in 2024?" 

    If you're ready to learn How To Quickly Open Up A Completely New "Opportunity" For Your in 2024 (Even if you currently have no knowledge on this market or don't know how to get started),  the following graphics will summarize what you can expect to learn.

    Note: (Now this is rough outline, of course I will be sharing more than what is written here. There are some strategies I only want to be with members . This is also the reason why you have never seen me selling ANY online courses like this previously. 

    So, Why Am I Forming the Asset Structuring Club & Openly Sharing My Secret ? 
    Who is Dr Sanjay Tolani ?
    Let me take a moment to introduce myself, so you understand that I'm not just another "trainer" out to sell courses. 

    Here's something you don't know.

    When I first started out this career 22 years ago, my average case size was only about US$100.
    I remember many late nights where I had to literally travel for hours just to meet clients and close them.
    And I asked myself, "Is there a simpler way" to get the SAME RESULTS, working lesser hours?"

    So here's what I found after struggling my way up to 500+MDRT in 2022 and mentoring 1,000+ top producers (MDRTs, COTs and TOTs) in the industry.

    You can actually get that "instant breakthrough" if you start off your cases with "Asset Structuring" rather than the typical protection angle. 

    Not many people know, but my family has been in the insurance industry for 100+ years and being the 3rd generation in this business, I’m fortunate and lucky enough to be mentored by some of the brightest minds in the insurance world and I got a "shortcut" in this journey. 

    But it wasn't as smooth sailing as you thought. Every mentor teaches me a different concepts and I ended up having to spent closed to a decade, hundreds thousands of dollars and thousands of trial and error to piece all these together into what I call "Asset Structuring" and ever since I applied this framework in 2008, I started seeing my own sales grew by almost 100% every single year.

    Ever since I applied this framework in 2008, I started seeing my own sales grew by almost 100% every single year. 

    But my passion was more than just selling insurance, because as the years have passed, I've discovered a growing passion for sharing my knowledge and helping fellow advisors excel. 

    This drive has led me to author 13 books tailored for advisors, conduct over 100+ sharing sessions, and coach hundreds of thousands of advisors globally.

    " In 2023, My Life Purpose Started To Change…"

    It was a moment, one that I'll never forget. As I celebrated my 40th birthday, I found myself reflecting on my journey, my aspirations, and what I wanted to leave behind and impact. 

    I realized that I wanted to live a life minimizing regrets, not dictated by others' perceptions but driven by my own convictions and the genuine desire to make a difference.

    "“I truly want to help hardworking advisors I like to move to the “Next Level” and open their eyes to the world of structuring” "

    I still remember …

    One day, a mentee of mine, with tears in her eyes, asked, "Dr. Sanjay, why didn’t you introduce me to asset structuring earlier? I could have earned an additional 100k per year!" Her words weighed heavily on me. I had been in the realm of asset structuring for decades, yet I struggled with how best to impart this invaluable knowledge to advisors around me.

    I responded, 

    " I'm truly sorry. I only learned about the concept of Asset under Administration (AUA) last year. And the moment I was certain of its potential, I shared it with you. "

    Indeed, it was just last year when I met my mentor who sat me down and introduced me to Asset under Administration (AUA). 

    This concept was transformative, completely altering my perspective on our business. Even when I was already doing 500+ MDRT last year, this new Idea "Wow!" me totally. 

    It was then that I developed the Tolani Flow®  Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI), a unique insurance asset structure tailored to accommodate the Asset under Administration (AUA) model. This structure not only allows advisors to benefit from the traditional Asset under Management (AUM) but also offers a consistent flow of income from AUA.

    Let the following graphic explain to you AUM Vs AUA if it is your first time hearing about it. Just remember in this career, you eventually need to master either AUM or AUA, or best still, combine both!

    "I never knew advisors like us can have 1 more source of income on top of Asset Under Management!” "

    This revelation led me to create Asset Structuring Club where I aim to share this groundbreaking approach with advisors I like to help them enter the High Net Worth space & open up a new sources of income. 

    " I never knew advisors like us can have 1 more source of income on top of Asset Under Management ! "

    Introducing the Asset Structuring Club

    Who Are we? 

    Welcome to the Asset Structuring Club, a club dedicated to understand tax-efficient asset management. As a member, you get access to the latest asset structures which are the result of relentless "Research and Development" by our team of lawyers, accountants, and tax experts.

    So, what’s the latest Asset Structure we’re working on in 2024? Wouldn't you like to LEVERAGE on what we spent a decade "engineering"?

    This year, the spotlight is on the Tolani Flow®  Private Placement Life Insurance (PPLI), a game-changing asset structure that harnesses the potential of Asset Under Administration (AUA) income. But this is just the tip of the iceberg you will realised when you join us today.

    "Let me share with you the story of how it was started… How Did I even Discover Asset Structuring & Tolani Flow®  Private Placement Life Insurance Asset Structure?"

    In the past, the families have traditionally relied on Trusts and Family Offices as key tools for managing their wealth and planning for the future. However, the landscape changed in 2009 when many jurisdictions around the world began implementing stricter regulations regarding the disclosure of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs). This step was taken to fight against illegal actions like money laundering and tax evasion. 

    Under these new rules, companies, Trusts, and other legal entities are required to maintain accurate and up-to-date information about their UBOs, making them obligated to make this information available to law enforcement and other relevant authorities.

    This shift posed a challenge. The essence of trusts and family offices was confidentiality, and these new regulations seemed to erode that very foundation. 

    For many High-Net-Worth families, this change was unsettling. The added reporting responsibilities and potential penalties for non-compliance further exacerbated their concerns.

    My family was no exception. We grappled with these challenges, especially the need for enhanced confidentiality. This quest for a solution led to the birth of the "Tolani Flow®  Private Placement strategy, or PPLI."

    Initially crafted for my family's wealth management needs, it soon became evident that this strategy could before other High-Net-Worth families with similar concerns. And so, I felt compelled to share this with the members of the Asset Structuring Club and allow more advisors to benefit from it.

    "Just To Note, Our Focus is Not Just Insurance"

    While our current spotlight is on insurance-based structures like the Tolani Flow®  PPLI, our vision is broader and I’m clear about it. The club is committed to research and design more asset structures that not only benefit High Net Worth families but also seamlessly integrate with your existing business model, paving the way for new income avenues.
    What Will You Receive & Learn

    When You Sign Up
    For Asset Structuring Today

     Step 1 : Immediately after you sign up, I will be sending you an Access To Tolani Flow®  Portal which covers the Asset Structure we're focusing on in 2024. 

     Step 2 : Next, You Will Receive a White Paper I wrote on Asset Structuring. *(NEW! Added 20th Feb)* 

     Step 3 : Next, You Will Get LIVE ACCESS To 5 Online Workshop modules that will help you get started and updated in the HNW Market.

    |Pre-recorded In Portal|

    Module 1 - HNW Asset Structuring 2024

    • High Networth Client Insights: Dive deep into the world of High Net Worth individuals, their industries, and unique concerns.
    • 7 HNW Solutions: Uncover the top solutions for the HNW market, from Trusts to Corporate Structuring.
    • Asset Structure Essentials: Learn how insurance plays a pivotal role in HNW financial planning.
    • ​Teamwork Triumphs: Master the art of collaborating with your client's team for holistic financial solutions.

    |Pre-recorded In Portal |

    Module 2 - 50 HNW Prospecting Concept Masterclass

    • HNW Prospecting Foundations: Discover the strategies top advisors use to attract HNW clients.
    • Quick-Engage Blueprint: Turn prospects into clients in just 15 minutes.
    • 50 HNW Engagement Methods: Equip yourself with diverse strategies to boost your client base in 2024.
    • ​2024 HNW Market Trends: Navigate the evolving landscape and build lasting partnerships.

    |Pre-recorded In Portal |

     Module 3 - Mastering Asset Structuring with
    Family office, Trust & Estate Planning 

    • Asset & Family Office Dynamics: Protect assets, reduce taxes, and leverage the power of family offices.
    • Trusts - Your Asset's Ally: Understand the protective nature of trusts and their benefits.
    • Crafting Your Legacy: Navigate the intricacies of estate planning for a secure future.
    • Strategy Synthesis: Perfect your approach to asset structuring tailored to individual needs.

    |September 2024 Workshop|

     Module 4 - Navigating Asset Structuring 2024: Onshore, Offshore, and Corporate Dynamics

    • Onshore vs. Offshore Basics: Understand the differences and benefits of each approach.
    • Onshore Strategies: Dive into popular onshore methods and their advantages.
    • Offshore Explorations: Unravel offshore strategies and tailor them to your needs.
    • Corporate Structuring Decoded: Safeguard assets and optimize taxes through effective corporate strategies.

    |Oct /Nov 2024 Workshop|

     Module 5 - Final Sprint 2024

    • Master the foundations of 2024 Prospecting Concept Framework - I will share with you the latest methods top advisors are using to get more clients and what they are saying exactly to get the clients excited about insurance.
    • 9 Final Sprint Shortcut For 2024 - Discover a range of "copy-paste" tested strategies and shortcuts for selling insurance, along with proven scripts for handling the top 5 objections effectively.
    • 30 Prospecting Concepts from Top Advisors - Gain insights from 7 industry-leading advisors as they share 30 innovative prospecting concepts tailored for diverse markets. Leave the session equipped with actionable strategies you can "copy-paste" to elevate your income for the rest of the year.

    Good News. We've just confirmed our 2025 Workshop To Help Our Members Gain Better Skillset & Clarity on New Trends. 

    Note: Asset Structuring Club is an on going Membership, so as time goes by we will be having more modules/special workshop organized. As some of this workshop are "Secret" , we will not be displaying on this landing page for confidential reasons. 

     Step 4 : You’ll get priority access to Global Trust Hub Corporate Secretary Network, which can help you locate complementary services to help you stand out from your competition. 

     Step 5 : You’ll get access to Dynamic Trust Asset Structure. If you ever had clients/prospect who ask you about trust, how do you go about structuring Trust into your clients portfolio or company structure, then you have to read on Dynamic Trust by Veronica. 

    Note: Tolani Flow is not the ONLY asset structure we're introducing in the Asset Structuring Club. In 2024, we intend to introduce at least 2-3 Other Asset Structure and they will only be available for members. 

     Step 6 : You’ll also get access to a list of other resources and bonuses to help you get started in the HNW market.

     Step 6 : You'll Receive an Onboarding Call From My Team.  Because Every ASC Member will receive a "20min" Personal Welcome Call From My Personal HNW Team To Help you Get Started, We currently is only able to accommodate 50 New Members A Month. If you're unable to sign up, please try again next month. 

    But if I have to show you what you'll get, it will look like this 
    ⇓ You'll Have EVERYTHING Needed To Get Started ⇓

    Being part of the “Asset Structure Club” is WORTH at least $20K? $30K? in actual real world value. To be honest, I can't price something like this accurately because there isn't something similar out there in the market.

    Here’s an offer I’d like to make to you.

    You’re definitely not gonna pay $50,000 for this.
    Not half of that. Not even 10% of it. 
    For this special enrollment, you get to gain access to my “Asset Structuring” Strategies that will multiply your income in 2024.

     For Only ONE Payment Of
     Just $1-$1.5/ Day

    Listen To Others Who
    Have BENEFITED !
    I'm going to let other advisors prove to you why you should attend "Asset Structuring Club"
    " I managed to open up case sizes that are 5X Larger than 2018..." 
    " What I really like about the mentorship is that many top advisors in the industry are part of this program and I get to learn from everyone's strategies. Also, Dr. Sanjay always shares updated strategies that help us stay relevant. It's not just learning about strategies that used to work but strategies that are actually working RIGHT NOW. 
    Thank you Dr. Sanjay! "

    “ I consider myself a new advisor and we were never exposed to the HNW Market previously... 
    Now I'm specializing in it. ”
    " In this industry, I felt very lost. Because I tried investing a lot of money on courses (>$10,000) to learn about HNW market and everyone teaches very complicated concepts. Even when it comes to estate planning, I'm expected to spend months studying and I don't see how my income will improve after learning it. 
    But after joining BCC, Dr. Sanjay just showed me how a simple idea can be used to open up the HNW market. Now I spend more time on meeting clients and opening up cases rather than studying long courses that don't gives me any ROI. Truly appreciate what you share , Dr. Sanjay. "

    " I've been using Dr. Sanjay's Ideas and Concepts since 2018 and my sales have been improving by 20% year on year. " 
    I have been a big fan of Dr. Sanjay's concept presentations since I first knew about him. Thanks to his teaching, I've changed my sales process and have been applying all his presentations and it has been really working well. I've taught it to new advisors in my team too!
    Thank you so much Dr. Sanjay!

    Wei Hao, Financial Planner

    " See it to believe it... there is a reason why many top advisors are attending Dr. Sanjay's meet-up "
    I know that many top advisors in our industry are learning from Dr. Sanjay himself and being curious, I decided to sign up for his session. I realized he is not only humble and down to earth, but he's also sharing his secrets because he wants everyone to grow. In the session, he shared practical strategies that I have tested and seen results. 

    I can feel his generosity in sharing and really appreciate his effort. 

    I've been in the financial planning industry long enough to tell you not everyone is okay with sharing their secrets and Dr. Sanjay actually shares everything he knows and practices. I'm definitely attending this year-end session because I know what he shares can definitely help me improve my income and give me more clarity for the last quarter.

    Peter, Financial Planner

    How Meteor's Business Grow
    By 300%  In 2022

    How Diana Maria Achieved Her Early MDRT In June 2022.

    How Donovan Achieved His 1st MDRT In 2020 Using Concepts

    How Kaka Implemented Advance Concepts In 2020 And Saw Massive Results

    How Diana From Singapore Achieved Her MDRT In Just 1 Case

    How Benedict Achieved His MDRT In Just 1 Case

    Should You Join the Asset Structuring Club (ASC)?

    "Trust me, nothing is as painful as being stuck & stagnated!" 

    Here's a guide to help you determine if ASC is the right fit for you ▼

      You'll Benefit from ASC if 🔽

    • You're Seeking Specialized Knowledge: If you're looking to delve deep into the world of asset structuring, learn more about trust, family office, legal structure and are open to new knowledge.
    • You've Felt Stagnated: Have you been in the industry for a while and feel like your growth has plateaued? ASC can provide you with fresh perspectives and strategies to rejuvenate your approach.
    • ​You Need a Supportive Community: Feeling isolated or without guidance can be demotivating. At ASC, you'll be part of a community where members share case studies, insights, and learn from one another.
    • You Aim to Tap into the HNW Market: If you're looking to cater to High Net Worth individuals and families, ASC offers specialized knowledge and strategies tailored for this segment.
    • ​You're Ambitious: If you're aiming to be in the top 10% of advisors, ASC can provide you with the tools & strategies, and mentorship to help you get there. But be prepared to put in the work!

    "Please DON'T Apply if You Are..."

      However, ASC Might Not Be For You If 🔽

    • You're a Part-Time Advisor: ASC is for those who are fully committed to the financial advisory profession. If you're part-time, you might benefit more from our other resources like books, seminars, and free videos.
    • Your Primary Focus is Team Building: If your main goal is to build and nurture a team of advisors, ASC might not align with your objectives. However, consider sending your top advisors to benefit from our expertise or sign up as a group.

    If you resonate with our goals and vision, we'd be thrilled to have you on board. If not, we hope our other resources can guide you on your professional journey.

    If You Attempt Asset Structuring Alone... 

    Here's What You'd Face ▼

    • Enroll in Costly Training ($7,000 to $20,000)
    • Finding a quality course is like finding a needle in a haystack. Most aren't even taught by professionals with hands-on experience in managing substantial assets.
    • Seek Multiple Experts (A Daunting Task)
    • Genuine experts in asset structuring are few and far between. And those who truly know the ropes? They often guard their secrets closely. When you're presented with a golden opportunity to manage a significant asset, would you rather rely on luck or have a seasoned professional guiding you?
    • Invest a Decade or More (8-12 Years)
    • Sure, you could dedicate years to study, research, and trial and error. Or, you could capitalize on my two decades of expertise. Even if you adopt just one of my strategies, it could be the key to unlocking the intricacies of managing major assets.
    • Forfeit Potential Earnings in 2024 ($60,000-$120,000)
    • If you're genuinely committed to mastering asset structuring, the earlier you start, the better. The skills you acquire now will pay dividends in the long run.
    • Sacrifice Precious Moments with Family (Countless Hours Lost)
    • Many embark on a lengthy quest to uncover just one effective asset structuring strategy. And when they finally think they've cracked it? They're often overwhelmed by challenging clients and complex scenarios. That's why, in our Asset Structuring Community, I've laid out a clear blueprint for members, ensuring they avoid the pitfalls I encountered early in my career.
    • Endure Stress and Uncertainty (Losses of $4,000,000 or More)
    • Navigating this field alone is not only taxing but also risky. Missed opportunities and missteps can lead to significant financial losses and a dip in morale. By joining our community, you ensure you're never alone on this journey, always supported by those who've been in your shoes.
    If You're Hesitating About Joining the Asset Structuring Club

    Allow Me to Address Your Concerns ▼

    • I'm not familiar with 2024 Asset Structure - Tolani Flow®  Private Placement Life Insurance.
    • No worries! Our dedicated learning portal is designed to guide you every step of the way in understanding asset structuring and Tolani Flow®  PPLI.
    • I'm unsure how to introduce this to clients.
    • We've got you covered. We provide scripts and strategies tailored for client introductions in the realm of asset structuring.
    • I don't know how to get started in Asset Structuring. Do I need to hire lawyers or accountants?
    • Rest easy. We've laid the groundwork in asset structuring, so there's no need for hefty initial investments on your part.
    • ​I fear HNW clients won't entertain me.
    • If you approach with just insurance, perhaps. But by leveraging tax-efficient structures in asset structuring, you'll likely secure that initial conversation.
    • ​What about my existing business?
    • We're here to enhance, not replace. Think of us as a complementary addition to your current business model, focusing on asset structuring.
    • ​My clients already have trusts or family offices.
    • Our expertise in asset structuring lies in enhancing tax efficiency, even with existing structures.
    • What sets me apart in this venture?
    • The edge? Our insurance-based solution in asset structuring offers competitive advantages that set you apart from the rest.​
    Who is Dr. Sanjay Tolani?
    Dr. Sanjay Tolani is a 22-year member of the Million Dollar Round Table – The Premier Association of Financial Professionals, with 2 Court of the Table, 16 Top of the Table honors and 5 years platinum dragon. He became the youngest member in 2003, at the age of 19, and then qualified as the Youngest Life Member in 2012 at the age of 28.

    He is the author of 13 best selling financial planning books, and is currently the family leader of Sanjay Mentoring Family which educates hundreds of thousands of advisors on financial planning.

    In 2019, he has successfully attained 120 MDRT and his passion lies in sharing his knowledge with everyone in the mentoring family. In 2020, he has crossed more than 200 MDRT and is working towards > 500 MDRT target in 2022.

    Over the last decade, Dr. Sanjay has been learning from top financial advisors all over the world, consolidating their insights and learning.

    He has coached over hundreds of thousands of top financial advisors all over the world. What makes Dr. Sanjay happy is seeing members of his family succeeding and being professional in their line of work.

    No matter how good you think you are at financial planning, there are proven practices and techniques that the pros use to close their prospect - practices and techniques that Dr. Sanjay will personally cover. So if you are thinking of bringing your professionalism and skills to the NEXT level, this upcoming program is for you!
    Will Dr. Sanjay's sharing be relevant to us?
    Absolutely! This is because even though Dr. Sanjay is based in Dubai, his clients come from 53 countries including many parts of Asia. He is intimately familiar with taxation rules, industry regulations and even behaviors of the locals worldwide.
    Why is Dr. Sanjay so generous in sharing his trade secrets? Is there a catch?
    For starters, Dr. Sanjay is a solo practitioner. He doesn't manage an agency and has no intention to build one. That's not his focus.

    His intent is to pay it forward and raise the standards of the financial service industry. This way, everyone wins! You'll like to also know that this is not for profit. 

    All the fees collected are used to cover the production cost of the session. 
    How does this differ from your Big Case Closer mentorship?
    BCC is my personal mentorship initiative, while the Asset Structuring Club is a comprehensive system crafted to assist a broader range of advisors in mastering 2024 Asset Structure. 
    How effective are these strategies shared?
    The strategies share are tested and proven by many members of the mentoring family especially the Big Case Closer members. Lets be honest, there are many new methods you can implement in your business. Dr. Sanjay will be running through all of them with you during the session. 
    I realized people are charging thousands of dollars for a session like this, why is the price significantly lower here?
    The prices are made affordable because the goal of the mentoring family is to make sure financial planning is made easier for everyone. We wanted to make sure every advisor has that equal opportunity to learn the strategies to hit their target because after all hitting your target means getting more income for yourself and your family.

    We also deliberately lowered the price because this is our way of giving back to the family. However, we are not making it free because we only want motivated and serious advisors to attend this session.

    Think about it , the moment you close one decent case using the strategies shared, wouldn’t the price be worth the investment?
    Why the limit on membership?
    Asset structuring is intricate. We prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring each member receives the attention and guidance they deserve.
    What if I regret joining? 
    The membership fee is non-refundable. If you're unsure, perhaps wait and see the results others achieve in asset structuring. The only potential loss is the "first mover advantage."
    I'm an agency leader. How does this benefit me?
    Our model complements agency operations, providing an additional layer of expertise and service offerings in asset structuring. We encourage you sign up the whole team.
    Aren't you concerned about copycats?
    Not at all. In the HNW space, mistakes can be costly. Many have tried to replicate our model in asset structuring, only to return seeking guidance.
    It sounds too simple. Is it? 
    We've done the heavy lifting in asset structuring. Our system is designed for ease of implementation, ensuring you focus on what truly matters.
    Who is the ideal client for Asset Structure like Tolani Flow®  PPLI?
    Tolani Flow®  PPLI caters to High Net Worth families seeking tax-efficient, flexible, and confidential wealth management solutions.
    How does Asset Structureing stand out?
    It offers unparalleled confidentiality, flexibility, and a unique asset exchange method, setting it apart from traditional wealth management solutions.
    How do I stay updated with the latest in asset structuring?
    We provide regular updates, webinars, and training sessions to ensure all our members are abreast of the latest trends and strategies in asset structuring.
    Is there ongoing support after the initial training?
    Absolutely! We believe in continuous learning and support.
    How does this align with regulatory compliance?
    Our asset structuring strategies are designed to be fully compliant with international regulations, ensuring peace of mind for both you and your clients.
    How does the Asset Structuring Club differ from other programs offered by Dr. Sanjay Tolani?
    The Asset Structuring Club is a specialized program focused on asset structuring. While Dr. Sanjay Tolani offers a range of programs covering various aspects of financial planning, the ASC is tailored to those who are keen on deepening their understanding of asset structuring and its applications.
    Is the Asset Structuring Club suitable for financial advisors who are new to asset structuring? 
    Yes, the ASC is designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned professionals in the field of asset structuring. Our comprehensive modules ensure that even those new to the concept can grasp its fundamentals and apply them effectively.
    How does the Asset Structuring Club ensure the confidentiality of its strategies? 
    We understand the value of the strategies and insights shared within the ASC. All members are required to adhere to a strict confidentiality agreement to ensure that the knowledge remains exclusive to the club.
    What kind of support can I expect from the Asset Structuring Club?
    Apart from the regular modules and training sessions, members of the ASC can expect dedicated support from our team of experts. Whether it's clarifying doubts or seeking guidance on specific cases, our team is here to assist.
    How often are the ASC modules updated to reflect changes in asset structuring regulations and practices?
    We strive to keep our content updated and relevant. As asset structuring regulations and best practices evolve, we ensure that our modules are revised accordingly, providing our members with the most current information.
    How does the Asset Structuring Club handle international asset structuring cases? 
    Given the global nature of asset structuring, the ASC covers strategies and regulations pertinent to multiple countries. Our experts are well-versed in international asset structuring practices, ensuring that our members are equipped to handle cases from various jurisdictions.
    What If I cannot attend the live online workshop on the day you inform me? 
    No worries, we will provide up to 24/48 hours access so even if you're not in the same time zone you can watch it a the comfort of your home. 
    How do I access the live workshop?
    Once you register, we will email you more details regarding it. 
    I have other questions.
    For any inquiries, please write to or WhatsApp  (+91) 99300 60314 and we will help you out. 

    Asset Structuring Club 2024 | All Rights Reserved