50% OFF - MID YEAR 8.18 to 8.20 SALE ENDS IN: 

Gain The Skillset You Require To Thrive In 2024 Starting Today.... 

"This Exclusive Offer is designed to help you build good techniques and strategies so that you can gain the success you've wanted as an advisor. It's easy to procrastinate that things aren't working... or you can take action and invest time reading and upgrading yourself to better prepare for 2023. In these books, I've documented the skillset that helped me achieve more than 500 MDRT LAST YEAR(2022)."


This Sale only happens ONCE A YEAR, take this opportunity to own a book set from Dr. Sanjay - "These books will guide you as an advisor so you can make 2023 your best year ever!"

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Do You Find Yourself Having Trouble Getting Consistent Clients or

Do You Find Yourself Having Trouble Getting Consistent Clients or

Closing More Cases?

Closing More Cases?

Have these questions ever cross your mind...?

Have these questions ever cross your mind...?

  • I am not sure how to transit a conversation to a presentation...
  • This client gave me an objection but I am not sure how to handle it...
  • My client and I have decided to go ahead but it's been 3 weeks now and he has not signed...
  • ​Which product is the best for Retirement Planning?
  • ​How to ask my existing client for recommendations?

Hi Future advisor, 

My name is Dr. Sanjay Tolani, and I'm the author of this Ultimate Advisor Book Bundle, and I don't think there is anyone on this planet who has structured the Insurance sales process into books like these books you're about to read.

Ask yourself these questions, do you want to let someone take charge of your financial planning career or do you want to be RESPONSIBLE and upgrade yourself? 

The choice is yours. 

Over the past 4 years I have spend countless of hours documenting my 21 years of experience and strategies in my books and many advisors who have been reading them has started seeing an improvement in their income.

There are a few reasons why I started writing these books:

#Reason 1: When I just started in this industry, I wish there was somebody who documented all thee knowledge so I don't have to fly around the world seeking multiple mentor just to learn "one" little strategy in these books.

#Reason 2: Many advisors have been writing to me (in fact I received around 100-200 messages daily) asking me what I did differently and why was I able to cross >365MDRT last year by myself? So I thought why not let me write them down. 

#Reason 3: My greatest wish is for our profession to be better and the best way to do it is to share my knowledge!

"I started writing more books when many advisors feedback that their income increase significantly because of the strategies shared."

In fact, till date, more than 200K advisors worldwide has read and benefited from the knowledge written in these books. 

But of course, these books are not for everyone.

In fact, they are only for:

❤ Advisor who are struggling with their sales process. If you are not sure what to do when you meet a prospect, then GET this bundle...

❤ Advisor who has been in the industry for quite some time and are stagnant in their income. Get this bundle, spend time reading it and see what I do differently to achieved 200MDRT in 2020. I'm sure there are some small tweak in the sales process which you can learn and see immediate results.

❤ Advisor who just recruit new agents. This bundle is designed like a self-learning kit. I know it is tiring to train new agents and explain every single thing, that is why I've done the hard work for you. Throw him a full bundle and ask him to read it before coming you for any advice. 

So if you think, you fall in the above 3 categories , I strongly suggest you spend time reading these books. 

Inside The Book Bundle...  You’re given my entire 21 Years of Experience ... In clear, step-by-step, details.
Inside These Books, I'll be walking you through the full Insurance sales cycle where you will rediscover Insurance Specific "Skillset" + "Mindset"
Inside These Books, I'll be walking you through the full Insurance sales cycle where you will rediscover Insurance Specific "Skillset" + "Mindset"


I will be Walking-you-through the full sales cycle and by the time you finish these 4 books, I'm confident you will finally re-look at your current sales strategies. 

The Concept Presentation Playbook was specifically designed to teach advisors on how to use a 7 minute conversation to close a deal with your clients.
The Objection Playbook will the provide you the right knowledge to create the right estate plan for your clients.
The Closing Playbook
covers proven practices and techniques that the pros use to increase their closing ratio exponentially.
The Sales Maximizer Playbook documents how success leaves clues, and how you can learn proven steps to get yourself closing bigger cases.


Would you agree that the best way to replicate top advisors' success would be to learn from their experiences? In the perfect mindset series, I've interviewed 15 top advisors worldwide and they even breakdown their strategies that contributed to their success. 

Big Case Closer Mindset serves to help you understand how experience advisors fast track their success after mastering the mindset of Big Case Closing.
The Perfect Mindset (Blue) serves to help you understand how others succeed with a RIGHT mindset so you got no excuse to be lazy!
The Perfect Mindset (Green) serves to help you understand how others succeed with a RIGHT mindset so you got no excuse to be lazy!

Last but not least ... the Financial Planning Book!  

Here's the good news, I've written a book: Financial Planning Book which helps your client to understand why they need financial planning and after reading it, I will encourage them to speak to you for advice. 

You will learn:

  • Why Do They Need Financial Planning?- I will tell them stories of what happen when they are lack of financial plannings, I will even share with them benefits of good financial planing.
  • ​​The 5 Stages of Financial Planning - I will share with them how to do their own financial planning and allow them to understand what insurance products are they currently lacking and in the urgent need to get them. 
  • ​How much insurance do you need to buy? - I will ask them 3 simple questions on the insurance graph and tell them exactly how much insurance they should buy. 
  • ​Retirement Planning - For the first time ever, I will explain to them the importance of savings and retirement planning. I will even explain why creating a source of income is important and could help them tide through tough periods. 
  • ​6 Common Objections - I will run through common objections faced when a person try to buy insurance and hopefully convince them the importance of insurance before you even approach them. 
  • ​​Call To Action - The book ends off with me asking them to speak to their advisor. It will be good if you can pass this book to them with a note asking them to look at specific pages. This can create more interaction between you and them!​


One of the greatest challenge for every advisor is "Prospecting" and to help you with it, I'm going to send you a 4 hours video recording which comes with PDF notes so you can learn the basics of prospecting form the comfort of your homes.

In this 4 hours session, I even share about the new way of prospecting for 2020. 

My goal for this BONUS PROSPECTING 2020 program is to help two types of advisors: 

✅ For those who are new to financial planning, I'll show you how to create different channels of leads coming to you. One of the biggest mistakes for new advisors is they are too dependent on a single source of leads and once it dry up, they lose momentum in the business. I'll share with you how your prospecting strategies will change across this career (i.e. from social media marketing/cold calling to endless recommendations).

✅ For more experienced advisor, I want to share with you how to go about prioritizing your clients. I will reveal a few simple strategies on how to transit a cold lead to a warm lead almost INSTANTLY. I will also show you how to move on to High Net Worth market if you've been stuck with the same type of clients for many years. 

Hurry, This FREE Offer Won't Last long!

However, This offer is only valid for the first 25 bundles because I want to reward action takers!

From: Dr Sanjay Tolani

Your Personal Insurance Mentor
21 X MDRT, 2 X COT, 17 X TOT
Remember, If you are currently struggling to do well in this financial planning industry, don’t worry. You are not alone. 

In fact, not only did I struggle in the early days of my career, I struggle even up till today with many unpredictable things.

I remember in my early days, I was struggling to get prospects, struggling to do a good presentation, and even if I master the earlier two, I struggle to get past my client’s objections…

My journey to excel in this industry has been a really tough one… and only after decades of hard work did I manage to achieve what I have today, 21 X MDRT, 2 X COT, 17 X TOT.

In the past, I wonder why some top advisors achieve their sales so easily, while I struggle to get things done. I ask myself… is it because they have some secrets that I’m not sure of?

Only after spending a decade of flying all over the world, learning the “secrets” from top advisors all over the world, did I realized that what they do isn't very complex.

In fact, anyone like you and me can do it too. The challenge lies in nobody is documenting and teaching this knowledge in this industry.

The good news is... I have now documented my entire knowledge into books which you can carry and learn whenever you are free! 

My greatest wish is that we advisors can come together, upgrade together and prove to the world that we financial advisors are professional and determine in value-adding the world to make proper financial planning.
Dr Sanjay Tolani Has Already Helped Countless Financial Advisors Around The World...
"The results speak for themselves. More than hundreds of thousands advisors worldwide have seen results applying the strategies documented. Again these are not complicated strategies, just simple, step-by-step strategies that you probably didn't know existed... Because I  designed them myself and wanted to share with more advisors worldwide..."
Witness How Others Are Seeing Results After Reading These Books?
"5 steps decision tree...double my closing ratio by step by step"
“I think the 5 steps decision tree allows me to better understand the process of selling life insurance. I double my closing ratio by step by step following the process and decisions documented. This was never taught to me by any of my trainers or manager. Thank you for opening my eyes Dr Sanjay!" 
Wei Han, Agent  
"The strategies learnt from the successful advisors is really applicable..."
"The strategies learnt from the successful advisers is really applicable. Never thought that what I've been doing so far is wrong.... Thank You Sanjay"
Raymond, Malaysia
"His book are gold..."
"This book is a gold. I've been in this industry for about 8 years and never had i seen any books that documents so many strategies.Let me be honest, if you're planning to stay in this industry for long, just get yourself a copy and read it. I've purchase one for all my agents. 
Susie, Director
"I Gave My Client the 28 000 Book and I got an appointment!"
"I purchase a book bundle, and gave it to 5 potential prospect. Surprisingly 4 out of 5 came back asking me for advice on their financial portfolio. Thank you Dr Sanjay!"
Lee hui Ling, Independent Financial Adviser

"Remember, The Choice Is Yours To Upgrade Or Spend Time Figuring it out. But please only buy this bundle if you are serious about being a professional and good financial advisor because we have limited stocks for our books. That's why we are only offering 25 bundles."

The skillset documented in this book is WORTH at least $10,000? in actual real world value. To be honest, I can't price something like this accurately because there isn't something similar out there in the market.

And this does not even include the experiences from top financial advisors who have “been there and done that” and can guide you through every step of hitting your production target. 

Personally, this is the kind of self learning material I wished I had as a financial advisor when I started so many years ago.

Here’s an offer I’d like to make to you.
You’re definitely not gonna pay $10,000 for this. That's not my purpose of writing these books.
Not half of that. Not even 5% of it. 

For this special offer, you get to gain access to my 21 years of Insurance Ultimate Method that will multiply your income in 2023.

... For Only ONE Payment Of
 Just $147!

Frequently Asked Questions 

"What you will learn are not theories from textbooks...
But tested and proven Strategies in Over 53+ Countries...Used by hundreds thousands of advisors worldwide" 

 Who is Dr Sanjay Tolani?
Dr Sanjay Tolani is a 21-year member of the Million Dollar Round Table – The Premier Association of Financial Professionals, with 2 Court of the Table, 15 Top of the Table honors and 5 years platinum dragon. He became the youngest member in 2003, at the age of 19, and then qualified as the Youngest Life Member in 2012 at the age of 28. He is the author of 11 best selling financial planning books, and is currently the family leader of Sanjay Mentoring Family which educates hundreds of thousands of advisors on financial planning.
In 2019, he has successfully attained 120 MDRT and his passion lies in sharing his knowledge with everyone in the mentoring family. In 2021, he has cross more than 365 MDRT and is currently working towards his personal goal of 500 MDRT.

Over the last decade, Dr Sanjay has been learning from top financial advisors all over the world, consolidating their insights and learning.

He has coached over hundreds of thousands of top financial advisors all over the world. What makes Dr Sanjay happy is seeing members of his family succeeding and being professional in their line of work. 

No matter how good you think you are at financial planning, there are proven practices and techniques that the pros use to close their prospect - practices and techniques that Dr Sanjay will personally cover. So if you are thinking of bringing your professionalism and skills to the NEXT level, this upcoming seminar is for you!
Copy and paste what you will be taught and the results should follow.
Will Dr Sanjay's Book be relevant to us?
Absolutely! This is because even though Dr Sanjay is based in Dubai, his clients come from 53 countries including Singapore and Malaysia. As his clients here in Singapore and Malaysia are savvy and educated, he is intimately familiar with our taxation rules, industry regulations and even behaviors of the locals here.
Why is Dr Sanjay so generous in sharing his trade secrets? Is there a catch?
For starters, Dr Sanjay is a solo practitioner. He doesn't manage an agency and has no intention to build one. That's not his focus. Hence this is NOT a recruitment campaign for any private practice or whatsoever. 

His intent is to pay it forward and raise the standards in the financial service industry. This way, everyone wins! You'll like to also know that this is not for profit.
Where do you ship to?
We ship to all countries currently. If we are unable to ship to your location due to specific reasons, we will refund the full amount back to you.
How long does the shipping takes?
As our book is always out of stock, it typically takes up to 14-21 days to reach you. If the book delivery exceed 14-21 days, we will email to notify you separately. Currently more than a million copies has been sold
 Why is Dr Sanjay promoting his book?
Dr Sanjay wants to help more financial advisers to leverage on his expertise and knowledge to serve more prospects. We have limited quantities of books, so it comes on a first come first serve basis. 
 Can I get the book from the bookstore near me?
No. We currently only do online delivery but we are considering to expand and reach out to bookstores in 2022. 
The book is sold out. When will you restock?
We usually take about 1-3 months for the new batch to be printed.
I don't have credit card / I want to speak to someone. 
Feel free to whatsapp our team at +91 99300 60314. We will do our best to assist you. 
When will this promotion end?
This promotion will end on in next 24 hours or when all books bundle has been taken up.  
Dr. Sanjay Tolani 2023 |  All Rights Reserved